Our CI / CD - Your Infracture
pingSalabim is a Swiss-Polish joint venture with great expertise in the areas of VoIP, cyber security, SDWAN connectivity, application design and their scalable provision as PrivateCloud.
Our team members have worked for leading national and global ISPs as well as the public and private sectors over the past two decades. We deliver innovations, secure communication, application and service design, which for you as an MSP or ISP go from a fully automated provision, from the website to deployment, updates and new features, is made possible by our CD / CI for all end customers of the Orchestrated MSPs or ISPs.
DevOps - Continous Delivery - Integration & Automatisation
The main focus of pingSalabim is on improving and securing the collaboration and workflow of small to medium-sized companies with cost-effective solutions. At the same time, we enable the MSPs and ISPS to focus on their two core functionalities:
- Maintenance and care of your own infrastructure
- Customer care and value added services
We take care of seamless solution delivery, updates & patching, which we provide on the infrastructure of the managed service provider. With the following advantages:
- High degree of automation tailored to you
- Short time to market
- No complex patching of hundreds or thousands of instances
- High performance solutions
- Clarifiability. Registering a new VM cluster is good.
You also benefit from new functions, plugins, integrations that have been developed for others and quarterly Developmet SumUps offer you the opportunity to insert new functions.
qTeams Platform Server & Apps
With qTeams we have an enterprise messenger & collaboration platform which makes the highest demands in terms of user friendliness, security, adaptation and integration options in all conceivable IT scenarios, scalable and automatable for MSPs. Cross Platform, of course.
Available in 3 different editions, the decentralized communication solution offers a fast and efficient secure communication solution for teams, groups and people, which can also network securely with each other decentrally. Appearance is customizable for the end customer, as with our qShare Enterprise File Management solution, from the login splash screen, logos and favicons. The provision takes place on either a KVM / Hypervisor or LCX instance and therefore offers a real PrivateCloud solution for the end customer.
Integrations such as web meetings, screensharing, TeamMeet, SumUps, RSS, Outlook, IMAP, qShare, GitLab, GitHub, AD/LDAP, Office 365 etc. are included. A plug & play solution for you as an MSP as well as for the end customer.
qShare Enterprise File Management
Combines the convenience of cloud services with the security that your customers not only manage your files but also own them. Thanks to the API, you can also integrate with plugins into the big wide world. Functions as you know them from GoogleDrive or DropBox. Better & faster. Private.
As an MSP, you take care of the storage infrastructure and we share a corresponding added value with qShare that doesn't take your nerves.
qShare File Management is seamlessly integrated into qTeams. As well as on the desktop, finder, file explorer and native apps for iOS, Android, macOS, Windows and Linux. And thanks to the WebApp also in every modern web browser. Working in real time with documents, diagrams, mockups or Excel / Pivot? No problem.
qShare is rolled out as a private cloud instance for your end customers from your infrastructure, either as a KVM / VMware / HyperVisor Image or LXC container, contains not only services and applications compiled natively on the server, but also a number of Docker containers that do the rest . Automated for you as an MSP.
Do you want to have it too?
We are pleased that we have sparked your interest with the solutions we have orchestrated and would be happy to show you more at a non-binding personal web meeting. Of course via qTeams WebMeet.
Additional benefits for MSPs
The end customer can select his local MSP as MSP partner himself via the new global websites. In other words, as a pingSalabim ISP / MSP partner, you also benefit from sales. We see the advantages of working directly with you as an MSP in the following areas:
A) Local - Global - our solution available globally for your local customers
B) Smaller ISPs / MSPs offer an effective feedback culture due to their proximity to customers
C) Growing together. We as a solution developer - you as a solution provider
Just give us a call under +41 58 600 99 99 / +48 713 074 706 or send us an email at kontakt@pingsalabim.com